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A Police & Community Based Initiative

TLC is an Atlanta-Based Non-Profit.

How it Works

Who We Are

An Atlanta-based, non-profit training and consulting organization made up of policing and mental health professionals who provide training and consultation services.

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Ground-breaking Science

We apply state of the art, evidence based 21st Century behavioral sciences

Bettering Public Safety

To the needs and challenges of modern policing and public safety.

Through Synergy

TLC’s professionals bring decades of experience in both policing and behavioral sciences to create a successful integration of the two fields.

Certified. Responsive. Compassionate.

Public Image

Improve public image for officers and community members leading to more positive policy, political and media coverage


Reduce negative critical incidents


Help prevent deterioration of trust between law enforcement and communities


Engage and empower collaborations within the community


Decrease rates of burn-out, improper uses of force, depression and suicide within police agencies 


Support enhanced recruiting and retention efforts


Message from the President

Our Country is experiencing deep growing pains, and with that, deep shifts in perspective and expectations. I believe this requires each of us to come with compassion and critical thinking as we determine what our next evolution will bring. Having previously served as a Police dispatcher, I am inspired to collaborate with this amazing group of educators, law enforcement officers, and mental health professionals in the creation of TLC, Inc. Our team came with determined, pioneering hearts and minds to offer training, consulting and cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies to Law Enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. We look forward to engaging with you!

- Carmen Ekdahl

Meet the Team

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